Keywords : Design, Personnel, Plywood FactorĪgus Sugianto, C., & Muhammad Zundi, T.
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of this thesis research is to design and build a web-based personnel information system at the Dolopo Plywood Factory where the web-based staffing information system built is feasible for use in the Dolopo Plywood Factory, thus making it easier for employees to process contract employee data, salary data, employee data who have left, facilitate access to the required data information, and a web-based staffing information system built can be accessed online. At this time the personnel information system used in the Plywood Factory still often experiences many obstacles, namely processing employee data using the Microsoft Excel application or still being offline, data redundancy often occurs (same data), contract employee data is not grouped properly, the system is still offline makes access to information limited because it can only be accessed at the office. Where the Plywood Factory is a factory that produces plywood in the Madiun area to be precise in Dolopo Madiun. Information technology is not only expected to serve as a supporting tool and facilitate company operations, but has become part of a strategy in maintaining employee performance. The role of information technology in a company has changed significantly.